| 1. | The major difficulties in international trade today are the non-tariff measures . 今天国际贸易的主要困难在于非关税措施。 |
| 2. | Non - tariff measures 非关税措施 |
| 3. | China shall implement the schedule for phased elimination of the measures contained in annex 3 中国应执行附件3包含的非关税措施取消时间表。 |
| 4. | Based on the above analysis a theoretical frame for the explanation of ntms will be hopefully founded 在上述理论分析的基础上,本文力图为建立非关税措施的理论解释框架有所贡献。 |
| 5. | 8 the major difficulties in international trade today are the nontariff measures , such as quotas , export controls , and cartelization 今天国际贸易的主要困难在于非关税措施,例如配额、出口控制和卡特比尔化。 |
| 6. | Although some of these principles have been concluded as general principles of gatt / wto , it ' s all the same necessary to research them in association with ntms 这些原则大多已经上升为世界贸易组织的总原则,但结合非关税措施协议仍然有阐述的必要 |
| 7. | Since its inclusion in the gatt , countervailing measure has been developed into a significant non - tariff trade measure used by many countries to prevent or stop subsidies and to protect domestic industry 自1948年被纳入gatt多边贸易体制以来,反补贴措施已经成为当今各国防止或制止补贴性为、保护国内产业的重要的非关税措施。 |
| 8. | Through the analysis to these questions the rational boundary of ntms can be better understand . the conclusions are that the rationality of ntms has a lot to do with its goal . the practices of e 结论是:实施非关税措施的目的与其合理性边界有很大关系,而执法者对这些措施的具体适用又会对其是否会转化为贸易壁垒产生重大影响 |
| 9. | From the kennedy ro ' und on , a series of agreements about non - tariff measures came forth in gatt / wto . it ' s a signal that gatt / wto changed its object from tariff barriers to non - tariff barriers 从肯尼迪回合开始,在gatt wto中逐渐出现了一系列的非关税措施协议,这也同时标志着gatt wto对货物贸易的规范重点已经从关税向非关税措施转移。 |
| 10. | After joining in wto , import quota , license and other non - tariff barriers will be broke down step by step and the tariffs will be reduced . our domestic industries especially infant industries will face more and more keen competition 入世后,配额及许可证等非关税措施将逐步取消,关税也要相应地降低,国内产业将面临进口产品越来越大的竞争压力。 |