| 1. | It showed that he had been used to being petted and noticed by his master . 这表明他惯常得到东家的青睐和宠爱。 |
| 2. | But no one could survive the white house without presidential goodwill . 但是在白宫,只有得到总统的青睐才能呆得下去。 |
| 3. | In the profession we are accustomed to receive a great deal of most gratifying attention . 我们干这一行,都习惯于接受旁人的青睐。 |
| 4. | You will rise into the favour of dances who bring no scent of the mulestables with them . 你是会得到身上不带骡粪味的跳舞者的青睐的。 |
| 5. | They compete for the attention and the priorities of the president in favor of their own limited jurisdictions . 他们都要争取总统的青睐,希望总统优先注重他们有限度的权力。 |
| 6. | Mrs. morel and annie almost contested with miriam who should listen best and win his favour . 毛莱太太和安妮几乎同时在与蜜里安争风吃醋,看谁听得最认真,看谁能赢得他的青睐。 |
| 7. | He never entered society without being ogled by the mamas, clapped on the back by the papas and simpered at by the girls . 在社交场合,他总是得到母亲们的青睐,父亲们的亲近和姑娘们的秋波。 |
| 8. | Dick white disliked rees intensely, and thought he was making malicious accusations in order to court attention, if not publicity . 迪克怀特很不喜欢里斯,认为他如果不是为了大出风头,也是为了博得青睐才进行恶意指控的。 |
| 9. | They might look meager and wizened, but it was related that they had in their time fought twenty duels or been loved by ten princesses . 他们可能看上去虽然干瘪,形容枯槁,但据说在年轻的时候,曾经参加过廿次决斗,或者曾经获得十位公主的青睐。 |
| 10. | Now she attracted him far more than the other girl, the one with the little oval face and glistening dark ringlets, whom he had wanted to impress at the outset . 现在她比另外那个姑娘对他的吸引力大得多,那个姑娘长着小小的鹅蛋脸,光亮的深色发束,他最初原是想博取她的青睐的。 |