Mystifying deals and decisions suggest that the money trail runs all the way to the kremlin 雾里看花的交易与决定暗示着资金链大有深入克里姆林宫的可能。
The amount of divergence is a subtle affair , liable to perplex the englishman when he looks at america 然而这种差异却是含混暧昧的,总是让一个英国人在看美国的时候觉得是在雾里看花。
There is a zhengzhong jian collector in guangzhou , but i don ' t meet him . i want to see this master ' s coolection . who can give direction to me 广州就有一位中正剑系列收藏大家,就是雾里看花未成谋面。很想见识这位高人的藏品。有谁指引指点一下。
However , as available shaw films are far from complete , researchers most of the time had to make do with shaky , fuzzy and hazy video copies , and their judgments may sometimes not be based on as firm a ground as wished . the limitations , though , are common to current shaw studies , which we only hope can be redressed by the re - release of digitalised shaw films , including the early black and white productions . whether in editing 现在可供参考的影片还很不足够,我们的作者们大部分都依靠朋友间流传的翻版录影带或光碟,影音素质大抵只能用松郁蒙三个字来形容,有时不免雾里看花,这些都是当下做邵氏电影研究的局限,只有寄望邵氏作品的数码影碟能陆续发行,包括早期的黑白制作。