| 1. | Now, like the thousands of other tourists, they were snapping pictures and marveling at the incredible power of the famous cataracts . 现在他们和其他无数游客一样,一面拍照,一面惊叹这著名瀑布雷霆万钧的力量。 |
| 2. | The mighty thunder opened up a big hole in the ground of heaven and woke the day - dreaming king 雷霆万钧之际,天庭地层给劈开了一个大窟窿,正在神游太虚的玉帝也被惊醒了。 |
| 3. | Niversity of toronto , ontario parliament building . summer optional : " maid of mist " boat at niagara falls 万里无云时,倚著栏杆远眺美国瀑布,水势一泻千里,雷霆万钧,惊叹之馀,可不要忘记用照相机留下珍贵镜头。 |
| 4. | The remark , simple yet overwhelming , immediately invigorated a billion hearts , reverberating in the minds of countless people in china 这看似平淡的话语,却含蕴著雷霆万钧的震撼力,振奋了千万国人的精神,也激荡了无数同胞的心灵。 |
| 5. | These two trends will push the world economy into the knowledge - based third stage with great momentum . the writer is a scholar who engages in electronics research 信息化和全球化的汹涌浪潮将以雷霆万钧之势推动世界经济进入知识经济的第三阶段。 |
| 6. | Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog ' s face , he gets mad at you , but when you take him for a car ride ; he sticks his head out the window 你有没有发现,你给狗的脸部扇凉,它会雷霆万钧;如果把它放在车上兜风,他却高兴得把头探出车窗外呢? |
| 7. | Tom cruise ignites the screen in this runaway smash hit that " holds you on the edge of your seat before blasting you out of it " howard rosenberg , lo . . 汤告鲁斯今次在银幕爆发雷霆万钧扣人心弦的场面,情节紧凑,令你拍案叫绝洛杉机时报侯活洛辛堡。 |
| 8. | Tom cruise ignites the screen in this runaway smash hit that " holds you on the edge of your seat before blasting you out of it " howard rosenberg , los angeles times 汤告鲁斯今次在银幕爆发雷霆万钧扣人心弦的场面,情节紧凑,令你拍案叫绝洛杉机时报侯活洛辛堡。 |
| 9. | You will ride on the famous tour boat “ maid of the mist ” to take an up close view of this most majestic waterfall of the world 并安排搭乘雾中少女号,在以二百英?落差造成了世界奇景的尼加拉瀑布,面对澎拜的河水以雷霆万钧之势倾泻而下,水柱奔腾的雄伟景色,令人叹为观止。 |
| 10. | Bagpipes , drummers , flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire , the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry 风笛、鼓手、横笛吹奏者和喇叭手吹奏的声音?响在战场上,直到部队遭受步枪攻击、大炮的爆炸声崩溃和骑兵如雷霆万钧的冲锋而结束。 |