掌声雷动: applaud to the echo; a round of applause; a storm of applause set the rafters ringing.; bring down the house; the applause was deafening.; the applause thundered forth.; thunderous applaus
彩声雷动: shouts and applause ring loud like thunder.; there was a burst of applause.; words of applause [praise; acclaim] roared like thunder
全场掌声雷动: the audience burst into thunderous applauseto bring down the house
The audience burst into thunderous applause . 全场掌声雷动。
The audience always applauded at this point . 每次听到这里,听众一定掌声雷动。
On the square there was a wildly cheering throng . 广场上有一大群欢呼雷动的人群。
Master said this with laughter and everyone applauded 师父边说边笑,大众掌声雷动。
I close the curtain now , feeling broader , fresher . the act is over . applause is sweeping through the trees 合上窗帘,感觉心胸更开阔,头脑更清晰。帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。
The lecture hall , filled with people standing to get a glimpse of master , rocked with applause when she arrived 师父到达讲经会场时,坐无虚席的大厅掌声雷动,听众全体起立争睹在世明师风采。
The lady gwendolen dubedat bursts through the throng , leaps on his horse and kisses him on both cheeks amid great acclamation 格温多林杜比达特小姐239推开人群,跳上他的马,在掌声雷动中吻他的双颊。
When you stand on the wealth stage , you are doomed to be focus . when the curtain is going up at that moment , lots of audiences will clap for you , bless for you 站上这个财富的舞台,您注定是个焦点,在帷幕揭开的那一刹,台下准会有雷动的掌声对您肯定,为您祝福!
At the fifty - fifth , a loud cry was heard in the street , followed by applause , hurrahs , and some fierce growls . the players rose from their seats 到了第五十五秒钟的时候,只听见外面人声雷动,掌声欢呼声,还夹杂着咒骂声,这片乱哄哄的声音越来越大,此起彼伏,接连不断。
It was embarrassing until in a third balcony , a little boy stood up and shouted , i think youre doing great daddy , and the house broke down into applause , inspired by that little guy 直到在三楼的厢房里,一名男童站起来,大声喊叫,说:爹地,你真棒。顿时全场掌声雷动,就是被那小孩所启发。那就是