She paints with bold strokes of the brush . 她用雄健有力的笔触绘划。
She drew the outline with a sure hand . 她笔力雄健地画出了轮廓。
Howells, perhaps, lived too long for their own good; tranquil old age, however well-earned seemed not to accord with the vigor of their best work . 也许,他和豪威尔斯都不该活那么大的年纪,这反倒对他们不利。平静的晚年,虽说是分内应得,总比不上盛年笔力雄健的作品。
She drew the outline with a sure hand 她笔力雄健地画出了轮廓
The suanni is a lion . the lion is the kings of one hundred beasts , mighty and robust , likes charmingly , 狮子是百兽之王,威武雄健,逗人喜爱,象征吉利,且有避邪之意。
The martial artistry in chang cheh films is of the hard hitting school , emphasising blood , gore and masculine prowess 张彻片的武打动作主要是硬桥硬马,注重男性的雄健感,以及血肉的暴力感。
The sound of one violinist is warm , and the sound of another is a little more energetic , just like their character traits 有的人声音很温馨,有的却很雄健有力,就像每个人都有不同的个性一样。
The road of history is not smoothness . sometimes , it is dangerous and difficult and just those people who have powerful spirit can through 历史的道路,不会是坦平的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界。这是全靠雄健的精神才能够冲过去的。
The painter took off the disguise of all the plants , such as trees , soil , etc , and barely portrayed the power and vigor which is like man ' s body of the heavenly mountain 画家揭去了树木、土壤等山体植物的伪装,赤裸裸地描写了天门山男性般肌体的雄健与阳刚的体魄,这不能不说深入魂与魄的文学性心灵世界的描绘。
In the plural and integrative culture pattern , the ancient national culture of the northeastern region inspires livingness and energy into the chinese culture development by its powerful , vigorous and natural style 在多元一体的中华文化格局中,东北古代民族文化以刚劲质朴、雄健豪迈、清新自然的风格为中华文化的发展注入了新的生机与活力。