| 1. | Flocks of honking geese flew past . 雁群嗷嗷地飞过。 |
| 2. | The geese are honking . 雁在叫。 |
| 3. | In the fall we sometimes hear honks as a flock of geese flies south . 到了秋天,有时我们能听到南飞雁群的叫声。 |
| 4. | A pattern of wild geese, flying low and unconcerned above the hills, wavered against the serene ashen evening . 雁队冷漠地在山头飞过,在宁谧灰色的傍晚显得很飘逸。 |
| 5. | The sinking sun filled the great heaven, high across whose arch the cranes and wildfowl streamed in line, square, and triangle, with flashes of flying gold and the lurid stain of blood . 落日的余辉映照苍穹,给那些呈一字形,四方形,人字形疾飞的白鹤和野雁镀上一层鲜血般殷红的光辉。 |
| 6. | The wild goose image in ancient chinese literature 中国古典文学作品中的雁意象 |
| 7. | 903 california red : eleven fires concert - at 17 加州红903 :十一团火音乐会-雁石分天 |
| 8. | Through lenses of some of the local photographers 我们何不随镜头去领略雁荡之奇秀? |
| 9. | Copyrights guangzhou baiyun lanyan paper cup factory 广州市白云区蓝雁纸杯厂 |
| 10. | Deluxe standard room super leisure hotel reservation 豪华标准间,青海舒泊来雁酒店预订 |