The main hall - level wooden arch relief on the many taoist figures , stories and exotic , design beautifully carved superb techniques reflect the qing dynasty social life , religion and aesthetic taste 大殿的阑额、木制隔扇上浮雕着众多道教人物、故事和珍禽异兽,图案精美,雕刻技艺精湛,反映出清代的社会生活、宗教信仰和审美情趣。
They went behind a partition wall to change ; but in the little recess were three officers , who completely filled it up . they were sitting playing cards by the light of a single candle on an empty box , and nothing would induce them to budge from their places 他们走到隔扇后面好换衣服但这间小贮藏全被挤得满满的,一只空箱子上点着一支蜡烛,三个军官坐在那儿玩牌,怎么也不愿让出自己的位子。