| 1. | The jury piled one by one back into their box, and the question was asked to which such an awful answer might be given . 只见陪审员们一个个回到原座,于是庭上照例发问,等候着他们惊心动魄的回答。 |
| 2. | Attorneys will begin questioning potential jurors today . . 询问候选的陪审员们。 |
| 3. | Attorneys will begin questioning potential jurors today 询问候选的陪审员们。 |
| 4. | The members of the jury were discharged from their duties 陪审员们被解除了职务。 |
| 5. | The jurors all their heads turned to his voice 陪审员们一起朝着声音转过头去真的吗? |
| 6. | Briefcase on the jury . - would you say that ' s correct 把公文包对着陪审员们。 -对么? |
| 7. | - briefcase on the jury . - would you say that ' s correct -把公文包对着陪审员们。 -对么? |
| 8. | Jurors formally take an oath to take up office 陪审员们正式宣誓就职。 |
| 9. | That s very important , the king said , turning to the jury “这点很重要。 ”国王对陪审员们说。 |
| 10. | You should know that jurors down here don ' t trust a iawyer 你应该知道这里的陪审员们根本就不信任 |