| 1. | The officer was drilling his troops on a parade ground 此军官在阅兵场训练军队。 |
| 2. | A regular place of assembly for reviews of troops 阅兵场检阅军队时经常集会的地方 |
| 3. | The men filed onto the parade ground and past the general 士兵们排成单行进入阅兵场自将军面前走过 |
| 4. | The troops drew up on the parade ground 军队在阅兵场排队。 |
| 5. | The troops drew up on the parade ground 部队在阅兵场列队。 |
| 6. | Horse guards parade 皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场 |
| 7. | Chinese american soldiers of the u . s . army signal corps are photographed on parade before being deployed to the cbi theater of operations 美国陆军通讯兵连的中美士兵在部署中缅印军事行动战场之前在阅兵场的阅兵。 |
| 8. | With a military band playing and hundreds of people watching on a parade ground just outside the pentagon , senior military and civilian leaders gathered to pay tribute to secretary rumsfeld 伴随着军乐声,数百名民众在五角大楼外的阅兵场观看,军政高级领导聚集在一起欢送拉姆斯菲尔德国防部长。 |
| 9. | He looked that day rather thinner after his illness than he had been at the review of olmtz , where bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad . but there was the same bewitching combination of majesty and mildness in his fine , grey eyes , and on his delicate lips the same possibility of varying expressions and the predominant expression of noble - hearted , guileless youth 微恙痊愈之后,他今天比博尔孔斯基首次在国外奥尔米茨阅兵场上,看见他时更瘦弱,但在他那俊秀的灰色眼睛中,令人惊叹的庄重与温厚的神情兼而有之,他那薄薄的嘴唇上现出他能流露的各种表情,主要是心地善良而且天真无邪的青年的表情。 |