打闷棍: (引伸为乘人不备, 给人以沉重打击) hit sb. with sth. like a black jack so that the sound produced is but a thud (unlike the crack of a whip or the sharp smack produced by a bat) -- take advantage of sb.'s
Example Sentences:
Once again he felt an unpleasant shock . 他又觉得象是挨了一闷棍。
The boy recoiled a step, and caught his breath, for the thing hit him rather sudden; but the aspect which he took on was very, very respectful . 那孩子往后里倒退了一步,并且咽了一口凉气;这才是抽冷子给他一闷棍呢。瞧他脸子上的神气,可真是毕恭毕敬。