| 1. | A leap second on the new year s day 7 december 2005 2006年元旦日的闰秒( 2005年12月7日) |
| 2. | Scientists are delaying the start of 2006 by the first 科学家们把2006年的到来推迟了一“闰秒” 。 |
| 3. | The first leap second was added on june 30 , 1972 , according to nist 据国家标准与技术协会介绍,第一个闰秒是在1972年6月30日被加入的。 |
| 4. | Under an international pact , the preference for leap seconds is december 31 or june 30 根据国际公约,一般在12月31日或6月30日在协调世界时中加入或减去闰秒。 |
| 5. | Deciding when to introduce a leap second is the responsibility of the international earth rotation and reference systems service 国际地球自转服务组织负责决定何时加减闰秒。 |
| 6. | The adjustment will be carried out by sticking to an extra second into atomic clock at the stroke of midnight 据美国国家标准与技术协会介绍,全世界的原子钟都将在协调世界时2005年12月31日午夜加上一个闰秒。 |
| 7. | Us scientists want to change the current system , which keeps clocks in synch with solar time by adding a leap second every 18 months or so 美国科学家希望改变现行系统,亦即透过每隔约18个月添增1闰秒,让时钟与太阳时保持一致。 |
| 8. | Since 1999 until recently , the two time standards have been in close enough synch to escape any need to add a leap second , nist said 该协会说,从1999年开始到最近几年,原子时和天文时一直处于同步状态,所以不需要增加一个闰秒。 |
| 9. | Scientists are delaying the start of 2006 by the first " leap second " in seven years , a timing tweak meant to make up for changes in the earth ' s rotation 科学家们把2006年的到来推迟了一“闰秒” 。此次全世界调时距上次已有7年时间,而调时的主要原因则是地球自转速度的变化。 |
| 10. | The adjustment will be carried out by sticking an extra second into atomic clocks worldwide at the stroke of midnight coordinated universal time , the widely adopted international standard , the u . s 据美国国家标准与技术协会介绍,全世界的原子钟都将在协调世界时2005年12月31日午夜加上一个闰秒。 |