Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - tests - assembly and disassembly of closures 光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量程序.第2部分第33节:闭路的组装与拆卸试验
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - part 2 - 33 : tests - assembly and disassembly of closures 光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量步骤.第2 - 33部分:闭路的组装与拆卸试验
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures - part 2 - 38 : tests - sealing for pressurized closures of fibre optic devices 光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量步骤.第2 - 38部分:光纤设备增压闭路的密封试验