漏斗门风手动传动装置: pneumatic/manual hopper door operating device
Example Sentences:
He wrote and told the pater i was an immoral young dog and corrupting his house . 他写信给我父亲,说我是只堕落的小狗,败坏了他的门风。
When they find out what a disgrace the two ofyou are 要是他们发觉你们两个败坏门风
On xiahou - xuan and on the change of the common practice and rise of the xiahou family status 兼论魏晋之际谯郡夏侯氏门风之变化及其门第之上升
The only consideration that appeared to affect the mind of either of them was the consideration that this 他们唯一关心的好像只是这事非常有辱门风,荒唐可笑。
His sons xiao ze and xiao yi followed his practice and thus appeared the tendency of aristocrats 萧道成子武帝萧赜、萧嶷等也绍续此风,其门风出现了“士族化”的趋向。
For his clan , the well - known scholars marked the common practice of mr xiahou to uphold culture and the family status gradually rose and scholarized 对其家族而言,其名士化标志着夏侯氏门风逐渐尚文,门第逐渐士族化。
Running all ferrule fans , signal conrertor fans , hardpand ? driving fans , top cabinet , door ? fans , and checking whether they are normal or not 将各嵌套扇、信号变换器风扇、硬盘驱动器风扇、柜顶、门风扇等电源接通,检查各风扇,应运行正常。
However , as a newly rising royal force , it manifested the tradition of common people , which was shown by castigating the nobility and major conflicts within the family 不过,作为新起的皇族势力,其门风依然表现出寒门的传统,在宗室政策上表现为苛禁诸王及家族内部的严重冲突等。
Sanmen , draw in if the scene , a remarkable place producing outstanding people , humanity is assembled , the historical cultures of year accumulate and settle and bring up strong culture of place characteristic several thousand 三门风光如画,人杰地灵,人文荟萃,几千年的历史文化积淀,造就了浓郁的地方文化特色。
I told myself that , as long as i did nothing to prejudice the respect which i owe to your name and the time - honoured probity of the family , then i could behave as i have ? and this went some way to reassuring me about the fears i had “我想只要我不败坏门风,玷辱家誉,我就可以像我现在这样过日子,正是这些想法才使我稍许安心了些。 ”