One group especially caught my eye. they wore bright red shirts and heavy boots . 有一群人特别叫我注意,她们穿着醒目的红衬衫以及沉重的长统靴。
He make a careful copy of what he had written, and putting on his hat and laced boots . 他把写好的东西仔仔细细的抄了一份,戴上帽子,穿上系着带子的长统靴。
I want puce gloves and green boots 我要戴深褐色的手套,穿绿色长统靴。
My boots are plastered with mud 我的长统靴上粘满了泥巴。
Off to the country : broadstone probably . high brown boots with laces dangling 棕色长统靴,饰带晃来晃去。
Once more , the dover mail struggled on , with the jack - boots of its passengers squashing along by its side 多佛邮车再度向上挣扎。旅客的长统靴在邮车旁踩着烂泥叭卿叭哪地响。
Coachmen in tan boots , white tights , and blue jackets waited obsequiously for the mistresses of carriages who were shopping inside 穿着棕色长统靴白色紧身裤和蓝色上衣的马车夫,巴结地等候着在店里买东西的女主人。
His gaze brooded on his broadtoed boots , a buck s castoffs nebeneinander : he counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another s foot had nested warm 他的视线落在宽头长统靴上,一个花花公子183丢弃的旧物,并列着184 。
A famous european fairy tale tells the story of puss - in - boots , a magical cat that helps his poor young master find love and wealth 有一则家喻户晓的欧洲童话描写穿长统靴的猫的故事。 ?是一只有魔法的猫,帮?可怜的年轻主人找到真爱和财富。
Signatures of all things i am here to read , seaspawn and seawrack , the nearing tide , that rusty boot . snotgreen , bluesilver , rust : coloured signs 我在这里辨认的是各种事物的标记2 ,鱼的受精卵和海藻,越来越涌近的潮水,那只铁锈色的长统靴。