The night was silver-grey and perfect, save for the scattered restless sound of voices . 夜空一片银灰,月色正浓,四下不时传来各种嘈杂的话语声。
Silver or red blotches on foliage . . . too much direct sun 银灰或红色斑点. . .阳光直晒过多。
Mediterranean blue , silver grey can be made in answer to the demand of customer 颜色地中海蓝银灰另外可按用户要求定制
I like natural or silver grey colour as they match the colour of my rocks 我喜欢自然或银灰颜色,因为它们匹配的颜色,我的石头
Up to the day of her death at seventy - four it was still that vigorous iron gray , like the hair of an active man 到她七十四岁寿终正寝的时候,它还是那种充满生气的银灰,如同一个活力四射的人的头发。
Second topic : enjoyness - silver and light purple , cyan and light blue , it is the combination of classicality and romantic 第二主题:享乐银灰与淡紫,靛青色与月光蓝,那是古典与浪漫的融合,享乐与欢娱的归宿。
The bold use of alternative wood veins in silver grey and yellowish violet , the design of shade reel will definitely add an emphasis to the whole 大胆采用银灰和紫黄构成另类的木材纹脉,帘头卷轴设计无疑为整体的勇气增添了一笔浓墨重彩。
The flat is decorated in beige , champagne , pale gold , silvery grey and lilac to match the gentle natural light and create a romantic atmosphere . french windows , mirrors and a delicate crystal chandelier create a glittering effect 一室柔和自然的灯光,衬托以米色香槟淡金银灰及淡紫等高贵冷艳的金属色调组成的居停,营造自成一格的曼丽氛围。