| 1. | Tungsten filament lamps for general lighting purposes 普通照明用钨丝灯 |
| 2. | Auto sunny cloudy tungsten fluorescent 1 自动晴天阴天钨丝灯日光灯1 |
| 3. | Auto daylight shade tungsten fluorescent 自动晴天阴天钨丝灯日光灯 |
| 4. | Auto auto red - eye reduction fill - in off 自动晴天阴天钨丝灯日光灯 |
| 5. | Set the white balance for tungsten 把白平衡调到钨丝灯模式。 |
| 6. | Designation method for mounted filaments of incandescent tungsten lamps 白炽钨丝灯安装灯丝的命名方法 |
| 7. | Auto sunny cloudy tungsten 自动晴天阴天钨丝灯日光灯1 |
| 8. | Safety requirements for extra low voltage lighting systems for filament lamps 钨丝灯用特低电压照明系统安全要求 |
| 9. | Safety requirements of luminaires with built - in transformers for filaments lamps 内装变压器的钨丝灯灯具的安全要求 |
| 10. | Specification for electronic variable control switches dimmer switches for tungsten filament lighting 钨丝灯照明用电子可调控制开关 |