| 1. | Simulation of the potential responses of mixed coniferous and broad - leaved korean pine communities by bkpf model 模拟红松针阔叶混交林群落对气候变化的潜在反应 |
| 2. | Effect of human disturbance on coarse woody debris in korean pine and broad - leaved mixed forest on changbai mountain 人为干扰对长白山红松针阔叶混交林粗木质残体的影响 |
| 3. | A preliminary study on the dynamics of bio - available nitrogen in soils of pine - broadleaf mixed forest in dinghuashan biosphere reserve 鼎湖山马尾松针阔叶混交林土壤有效氮动态的初步研究 |
| 4. | We only found the lijiang spruce and birch mixed forest on the north faced slope behind of the yangyuchang 除了洋芋场村寨后北向坡面有丽江云杉林与桦木混生的针阔叶混交林,此次调查路线上其它地方未见。 |
| 5. | Study on the spatial pattern of major populations in the needle and broad - leaved mixed evergreen forest in niumulin nature reserve zone of fujian province 福建省牛姆林自然保护区常绿针阔叶混交林主要种群空间格局研究 |
| 6. | The vegetation was chiefly dominated by coniferous - brodleaved mixed forests , with many evergreen broadleaved species in their young growth stage , it can be suggested that the vegetations in the meizilake area were in a successional stage from coniferous - broadleaved mixed forests to evergreen broadleaved forests . however , the formation of the climax community evergreen broadleaved forests needs a long time 可以看出,梅子湖森林植被群落正处于由针阔叶混交林常绿阔叶林的演替阶段,群落中的思茅松林正在向被常绿阔叶林替代的方向发展,但要演替为顶级群落,还需要很长的时间。 |
| 7. | The paper studies composition of grasshopper community in different habitats , found that differences in family , genus and species and analyzed the causes of those . the author analyzed the following aspects by spss software and the measure of euclidean distance : ( 1 ) analyzed the relationship between grasshopper species and geographical distribution and divided 9 forestry belt into 3 main habitat model : low mountain conifer and broadleaf integrated forestry belt ; low mountain chanbai conifer forestry belt and middle - high conifer - betula ermam / - tundra belt ; adopted sum of deviation of square to clustered ecological species groups , and thus divided 48 grasshopper species into 3 main category , 12 ecological species groups 在长白山地区蝗虫生态分布特点的研究中,主要应用spss软件包、采用euclideandistance测度法对以下两方面内容进行了分析: ( 1 )对长白山地区蝗虫地理分布关系进行了分析,将长白山9个林带划分为三大生境型:低山针阔叶混交林带、低山长白松林带和中高山针叶?岳桦?苔原复合体; ( 2 )利用离差平方和法对生态种组进行等级聚类,结合实地调查结果,将48种蝗虫划分为三大类12个生态种组。 |
| 8. | The area in question has great conservation value as following aspects : the population of butterfly shows great species abundance ; the heterogeneity of habitat revealed by the presence of multi - subspecies and multi - morphological species provides animals a steady habitat ; the faunal character and vertical distribution of butterflies show great value of ecological study ; the mid - mountain 8002600 ? m that has better environmental condition and less human disturbance is a typical 秦岭对东洋种的阻隔作用大于对古北种的作用。中山地带8002600m即暖温带落叶阔叶林和中山针阔叶混交林带环境状况良好,气候条件优越,受人为干扰少,因而物种丰富多样性较大。研究地区具有很高的保护价值。 |
| 9. | Niche breadth of four dominate populations at three age groups was studied by the methods of resource utilization ability and ratio . the result shows that : symplocos sectchuanensis is a typical gengeration species whi ch resource utilization ability is strong , and distribution is wide . meanwhile , go rdonia acuminata , castanopsis fargesis and pinus massoniana specialized at some d egree in resource utilizationm , their distribution is limited . especially , the ju venile of pinus massoniana specialized outstandingly . with the devlopment of pinu s massoniana , which is the pioneer population in mt . jinyun , the environment become s unfit to it ' s juvenile . it turns to needle and evergreen broad - leaves mixed fo r est . because the tolerance toward shading of gordonia acuminata is lower than tha t of castanopsis fargesis , gordonia acuminata will be substituted by castanopsis fargesis and other evergreen broad - leaves species are the edificators . the popul ation ' s ability of resource utilization is the inner factor of population distri bution and community succession . the distribution of light and the concentrate of nutrient ( such as n ) is the outer factors of community succession 对缙云山森林植被的4个优势种群3个年龄级生态位宽度进行了研究.结果表明,川灰木利用资源的能力最强、分布广,为典型的泛化种.大头茶、栲树、马尾松对资源的利用在一定程度上特化,分布上有一定的局限性.马尾松的中龄组与幼龄组特化现象十分显著.缙云山森林植被的先锋种马尾松的发展,导致环境的改变不适于其幼龄个体的生长,群落演替到针阔叶混交林阶段,最后发展为以栲树等为建群种的常绿阔叶林.种群的资源利用能力,是种群分布与群落演替的内在原因,光因子和营养元素(如n )是群落演替的主要外部动力 |
| 10. | Due to different exploitation intensity and ecological restoration measures used in hongchiba region , wuxi county , the vegetation have been formed a series of succession stages , i . e . herbaceous stage scrub - shrub stage - shrub - tree stage - pure larix daempferi conifer forest stage - pinus armandii needle broad - leaved mixed forest stage - natural deciduous broad - leaved forest 巫溪县红池坝地区由于历史上开发强度和生态恢复措施的不同,使当地植被形成了从草本群落灌木灌丛林灌过渡带日本落叶松( larixdaempferi )针叶纯林华山松( pinusarmandii )针阔叶混交林天然阔叶落叶林的一系列生态恢复演替阶段。 |