针灸: acupuncture and moxibustion◇针灸疗法 acupuncture-moxibustion therapy; 针灸医生 acupuncturist; doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion; 针灸针 acupuncture needle; acupuncture pin
针灸仪器: medical i trument and a aratus for acupuncture and moxibustionmedical instrument and apparatus for acupuncture and moxibustion
针灸针: acupuncture and moxibustion needleacupuncture needlesacupuncture pin
The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are not painful 执行这个针灸术的人知道怎样将针插入人体,这样病人不会感到痛。
Acupuncture is one of china ' s most famous exports and has become the ambassador of traditional chinese medicine 针灸术可以说是中国最著名的出口技术之一,它飘扬过海,成为传统中医在西方世界的大使。