My dear, you are charming when you are drunk . 亲爱的,你的醉态真迷人。
The author's half drunken state did not in the least impair his eminence in my eyes . 在我的眼里,这位作家的醺醺醉态丝毫无损他的高尚。
On the reason for the drunken poetics of li bai 论李白醉态诗学思维之成因
By the time we arrived at the party , dick was well away 当我们来到酒会时,狄克已醉态百出。
So it had to be some time after 850ad when the myth appeared that coffee could sober you up from a state of drunkenness 所以一定是在公元八五零年后才有咖啡能令人从醉态中清醒过来的传言。