The eastern side hall is called sacrifice utensils storehouse ( ji qi ku ) , where store utensils for sacrifice ceremony 西配殿叫“神厨” ,是制作祭祀供品食物的地方。
The holy storehouse is also used to keep worship tablets temporarily when the god worship house is under repair 东配殿叫“祭器库” ,是存放祭祀所用的器皿用具的库房。
The east side hall was for nanhai guanyin , the west side hall was for ruyilun guanyin . the compound was not too big , but very exquisite 正院东西各三间配殿,西厢正供南海观音,东厢正供如意轮观音。
Horizontal inscribed boards and antithetical couplets profound in meaning and featuring beautiful chinese calligraphy can be found everywhere on the gates and in the halls 祠的大门二门大殿二殿东西配殿,都有书写端正,内涵深逮的匾额楹联。