He said he was afraid larry'd gone bad and wouldn't come back any more . 他说他担心拉里已经走上邪门歪道,不会再回来了。
Don ' t take to crooked ways 别走邪门歪道。
Don ' t take to crooked ways 别走邪门歪道。
Overbury s murder , now some thirty years agone ; he testified to having seen the physician , under some other name , which the narrator of the story had now forgotten , in company with doctor forman , the famous old 还有两三个人暗示说,这位医术高明的人在被印第安人俘获的时期,曾经参与野蛮人法师的念咒活动,以此来增加其医学上的造诣那些印第安法师的法力无边,这是众所周知的,他们时常用邪门歪道奇迹艇地把人治好。