| 1. | Sterilization operations shall ensure the safety of those to whom the operations are performed 实施避孕节育手术,应当保证受术者的安全。 |
| 2. | An investigation about the cognition and requirement of the married men and women about the informed choice of contraception in longhu district 汕头市龙湖区已婚人群避孕节育知情选择认知和需求调查 |
| 3. | The state creates conditions to guarantee that the citizens have knowledge of and choose safe , effective and appropriate contraception measures 国家创造条件,保障公民知情选择安全、有效、适宜的避孕节育措施。 |
| 4. | Article 20 the spouses at childbearing age shall deliberately take the contraception measures of family planning , and accept the preferred techniques of family planning 第二十条育龄夫妻应当自觉落实计划生育避孕节育措施,接受计划生育技术服务指导。 |
| 5. | Propagandizing the policy and laws & regulations of family planning , contraceptive birth control , eugenic and superior nurture , the popular science knowledge of reproduction health care and so on 宣传计划生育政策、法规和避孕节育、优生优育、生殖保健等科普知识。 |
| 6. | Along with the popularization of the scientific knowledge of family planning and the extensive adoption of contraceptive measures , the number of induced abortions has been on the decline in many places 随着计划生育科学知识的普及和避孕节育措施的广泛采用,很多地方的人工流产数呈下降趋势。 |
| 7. | The government has made great efforts to spread scientific knowledge of contraceptive practices , and to provide couples of child - bearing age who do not want child with safe , efficacious , simple and inexpensive contraceptives and the choice of a birth - control operation 政府大力普及避孕节育的科学知识,向需要避孕节育的育龄夫妇提供安全、有效、方便、经济的避孕药具和节育技术。 |
| 8. | Through extensive and in - depth publicity and education all over the country , provided guidance and services to all couples and individuals in terms of reproductive health care , contraception and birth control , healthy child birth and rearing to help them in proper arrangement of family planning 通过向全民进行广泛深入的宣传教育,为所有夫妇和个人提供生殖保舰避孕节育、优生优育等方面的指导和服务,以满足所有夫妇和个人合理安排家庭生育计划的需求。 |
| 9. | Since the work on informed choice of contraceptive methods was carried out , grassroots cadres have been challenged by the question whether informed choice will result in the occurrence of induced abortion - a question that has prevented some regions from carrying out the work on the informed choice of contraceptive methods and directly affected the exercise and realization of women ' s rights 摘要自开展避孕节育方法的知情选择工作以来,基层干部所面临的一个主要问题就是知情选择是否会影响到人工流产的发生,这个问题限制了部分地区避孕节育方法知情选择工作的开展,直接影响到妇女权利的获得与实现。 |
| 10. | Following the principle of catering to grass - roots units , going deep into the countryside , offering services to people ' s doorsteps and providing conveniences to the people , family planning workers provide people of child - bearing age with guidance , advice and services , and help them select favourable contraceptive methods according to their health and needs 计划生育工作人员坚持面向基层、深入农村、服务上门、方便群众的原则,向育龄群众提供指导、咨询和服务,帮助他们根据自己的健康状况和需要,选择适宜的避孕节育方法。 |