Some republicans think it may give them the cover that they need to disentangle themselves from a war that cost them their majorities in both chambers of congress on november 7th 一些共和党人认为这个调查组的结果能够给他们一块遮羞布,让他们能够从伊拉克战争的窘境以及11月7日美国中期大选的惨败当中松一口气。
Aside from strict rules governing the poker play , there were clear guidelines on the stripping element - most importantly that each player started the match by wearing five items of clothing supplied by the organizers . each contestant was given a towel to sit on and to cover themselves when naked , but only after they had stripped completely 每名参赛选手人手一条毛巾,坐在身下,如果输掉比赛全身赤裸,这条毛巾可以做“遮羞布之用,但只有当他们脱得精光时,才可以用这条毛巾。