A study on the first emission age of schoolboys 福建省中小学男生首次遗精年龄调查分析
As for the nocturnal emissions , why don ' t you take a swim 至于遗精的问题,你干嘛不去游个泳
As for the nocturnal emissions , why don ' t you take a swim . . 至于遗精的问题,你干嘛不去游个泳
Professor zhou zhongying ' s experience in treating seminal emission 周仲瑛医案引火归原法治疗遗精
He ' s been having a lot of wet dreams 然后他就有了遗精的习惯
Research on menarche and first spermatorrhea of students in guangdong province 广东省中小学生月经初潮与首次遗精年龄现状及趋势分析
How to identify kidney gas not to originally the seminal emission of be caused by , commonly used what prescription treatment 怎样识别肾气不固所致的遗精,常用哪些方剂治疗?
If this action is impaired , hemorrhage , premature ejaculation , spontaneous sweating , urinary incontinence , and spermatorrhea will occur 如果此功能受损,将会出现出血、早泄、自汗、遗尿和遗精。
Warming the kidney and fixing sperm , used in ache and weak at waist and knee , vertigo and tinnitus , spermatorrhea and prospermia caused by insufficiency of the kidney - yang 温肾固精。用于肾阳不足所致的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、遗精早泄,有助于男性器官二次发育。
Saussurea medusa maxism was used by several minorities in china , because it have some special pharmaceutical effects such as detoxification , detumescence , abirritation , antitumor , anti - radiation and anti - ageing etc . but saussurea medusa maxism was on the edge of annihilation for being exploited excessively at a long time . still the natural resource of it is hard to meet the increasing need of market . so ths botanical scientist paid more attention to the relationship between protecting this endangered species and producing it ' s pharmaceutical ingredient 具有清热解毒、抗炎镇痛、祛风除湿,通经活络,壮阳补血、消肿、利痰、敛伤的功效。用于炭疽病、中风、风湿关节炎、崩漏带下、痛经、胎衣不下、肾虚腰痛、遗精阳痿等病症。近年来又发掘出如延缓衰老、抗肿瘤、抗辐射等更有价值的效用。