| 1. | - the revolutionary science of biogenetics , -革命性的生物遗传技术 |
| 2. | The revolutionary science of biogenetics , 革命性的生物遗传技术 |
| 3. | The revolutionary science of biogenetics 革命性的生物遗传技术 |
| 4. | It would also be much faster than the years it takes to grow hybrids 遗传技术比培育数年的杂交品种要快许多。 |
| 5. | How genetic techniques are being used to aid the development of a salmonella vaccine 遗传技术是怎样用来开发沙门氏菌疫苗的。 |
| 6. | Instead , they aim to improve rice yields by 50 % using modern genetic techniques 然而,他们目标是运用现代遗传技术使水稻增产50 % |
| 7. | The use of genetic technology to determine the function of newly discovered genes by determining their role in one or more model organisms 运用遗传技术,通过识别其在一个或多个生物模型中的作用来认识新发现基因的功能。 |
| 8. | 2 recently psychologists have found only about two percent of adults use their creativity , compared with ten percent of seven - year - old children 最近,有关把遗传技术用于人类自身而产生的问题的警示已引起了公众的广泛关注。 |
| 9. | The gene is selectively inactivated or " knocked out " using a variety of genetic techniques , and the effect of its selective deletion on that organism is determined 基因被选择性的用多种遗传技术灭活,在此生物体上选择性去除的效果被确定。 |
| 10. | One example is maternal inheritance technology , in which modified genes pass down to only the seeds ( the maternal line ) , not to the pollen ( the paternal side ) 方法之一是利用母性遗传技术:经过修饰的基因只会传给种子(母系) ,而不会传给花粉(父系) ;这项技术已经在菸草、马铃薯及番茄等植物上进行了测试。 |