| 1. | Whenever we met with difficulties , they came to help us . 每当我们遇到困难时,他们总来帮助我们。 |
| 2. | He never get into trouble by thinking of his own idle pleasures . 他遇到困难,从来不是由于只想到自己寻欢作乐。 |
| 3. | Whenever we have trouble with our studies , our teachers help us patiently . 每逢我们在学习上遇到困难,老师总是耐心辅导。 |
| 4. | A difficulty arises when the point and instrument are not at the same level . 当测点和仪器不在同一水平面上时,工作就会遇到困难。 |
| 5. | Anyone having difficulty in assembling the machine is advised to consult our engineers . 任何人在装配机器遇到困难时,请咨询我们的工程师。 |
| 6. | Anyone having difficulty in assembling the machine may have the advice of our experts . 任何人在装配机器遇到困难时可以得到我们专家的指导。 |
| 7. | It has been difficult to solve problems associated with the thermal protection of the interior chamber walls . 在解决燃烧室内壁表面隔热问题上曾经遇到困难。 |
| 8. | Don't worry, we've done well in the past, and we shall do well again. at the moment we've struck a sticky patch . 别担心,我们过去干得不错,将来也会干得好,只是目前暂时遇到困难。 |
| 9. | To sink under trouble is to double the weight, and he that will die in it, shall die in it . 遇到困难就意志消沉下去那就等于增加双倍的困难,自愿死在困难里面的人是必定会死在里头的。 |
| 10. | The possible drawbacks of this approach are the costs and difficulties of private borrowing, especially for the poorest countries . 这种方法可能存在的弊端是,向私人借款需要费用并会遇到困难,特别是对于最贫穷的国家来说。 |