| 1. | The reporters took his speech down in shorthand . 记者用速记记下了他的讲演。 |
| 2. | Often enough she can't read her own shorthand . 经常出现她看不懂自己的速记稿的情况。 |
| 3. | Instead of writing her shorthand by hand, she could use a keyboard machine . 她可以不用手而使用一种带键盘的机器进行速记。 |
| 4. | This job necessitated a knowledge of stenography and typewriting, which she soon acquired . 这工作需要会速记和打字,她不久便学会了。 |
| 5. | It was said of him that his most colloquial conversation could be taken down in short hand . 据说,他平常随口讲的话也可能被速记下来。 |
| 6. | The stenographer may be either a hotel employee or an employee of a concessionaire . 速记员可能是旅馆的职工,也可能是某一受让人的雇员。 |
| 7. | He had invented a short-hand of his own, which he taught me, but, not having practiced it, i have now forgotten it . 他自己创制了一种速记,还教我如何使用;但因没有实践,现在我已忘了。 |
| 8. | The reporters gathered material report from tom 他们准备用速记来记录他将说的话。 |
| 9. | Saln : how are your typing and shorthand skills 山姆:你打字和速记的技术如何 |
| 10. | The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings 法院速记员做了审判记录。 |