Is it better to have a few knowing admirers study a painting at leisure, or a crowd see it in haste and confusion ? 是让几个有见识的赞赏者从容不迫地研究一幅画好呢,还是让一群人乱哄哄地匆匆看上一通好?
I bet the caveman could come in and shoot better than rafer right now 我打赌山洞人都投得比现在的斯通好。
B : please just call me stone 叫我斯通好了。
Passepartout seemed to be vanquished by fix s coolness , for he quietly followed him , and they sat down aside from the rest of the passengers 路路通好象是被这个沉静的敌手降服了似的,就跟着他一起到船头甲板上坐下了。