We launched another book the following qi yue . this time , the geomancer advised in all his wisdom that if you have never consulted the almanac , it is best not to start now 这一次,风水师父以充满智慧的口吻忠告我们: “如果你从来没有查阅过通书,那最好不要去查看它。 ”
This article tries to clarify not only these questions but also the evolution pattern of xuanze shu ( method to select auspicious time and space ) through a detailed case study of this taboo 本文即爬梳过去千馀年来存世的黄历、通书以及选择术原典,尝试追索此一俗忌出现的时间和演变过程,及其与阴阳不将日间的关联,并藉以析探选择术的发展模式。