| 1. | The output increases progressively with years . 产量与年递增。 |
| 2. | We shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigor . 我们的活力要经受递增的损耗。 |
| 3. | Reinvestment and pyramiding are not inevitable . 再投资和投资递增不是必然发生的。 |
| 4. | They have tended to assume increasing opportunity costs . 他们往往假定机会成本是递增的。 |
| 5. | The serial numbers of the specimens were arranged in order of increasing strength . 将试样按强度递增顺序编号。 |
| 6. | An increasing path from (0, 0) to (n, m) is a set of lattice edges . 每一条由(0,0)到(n,m)的递增通道是平行于坐标轴的线的一个集。 |
| 7. | The mechanism of shock formation apparently changes, too, at these altitudes so that the scaling laws are no longer applicable . 在这个高度下,冲击形成的机制也有很明显的改变,所以递增公式也就不再适用了。 |
| 8. | The increased pressure and temperature with depths as well as changed hydrological conditions will lead to changed mechanical properties . 随深度递增的压力和温度以及变化着的水文情况将会导致力学性质的改变。 |
| 9. | The elements of vectors are usually allocated contiguous locations in a data area and are placed in descending or ascending order . 通常把数据区中的一片相连单元分配给向量的元素,并按递增或递减顺序存放它们。 |
| 10. | In general, experience has shown that third-to fifth-degree polynomials produce sufficiently low residuals and monotonically increasing derivatives . 实践证明,三至五次多项式就能产生足够小的残差和单调递增的导数。 |