To tell of what he chanced on was against his creed . 把他适才碰见的事情声张出去又不是他的为人。
After that painful scene the quiet of nature was wonderfully poignant . 经过适才痛苦的一幕,大自然的静穆特别给人一种清新的感觉。
That i did not join myself to the battle, was less owing to disinclination, than to the bonds of the heathen . 我之所以没有参加适才这场战斗,并非由于本人不愿,实因受到教规的约束。
Hunger and recent illusage are great assistants if you want to cry; and oliver cried very naturally indeed . 如果要哭,饥饿和适才遭到的虐待是最好的帮手,所以奥立弗真是哭得极为自然。
Alluding to the encounter he said , laughingly , stephen , that is 他-也就是说,斯蒂芬-笑着这么提到适才那番邂逅:
After a couple of minutes , ladies will return to the stage and ceo has to guess who they are and imitate their signature poses 若干分钟后该五名来宾再度回到台上, ceo须将她们各自辨认出来并将其适才所做的姿势重摆一遍。
And then a radiant glory shone on the wall , and up through the other vision , displacing it , glimmered her pale face under its crown of golden hair , remote and inaccessible as a star 此刻,一片辉煌的光照到墙上,她那头金冠般的秀发下的苍白的面孔穿透了适才的幻影,取代了它,却辽远得无法企及,像颗星星。
Whereat he handed round to the company a set of pasteboard cards which he had had printed that day at mr quinnell s bearing a legend printed in fair italics : mr malachi mulligan , fertiliser and incubator , lambay island 适才谈论之治病方案,与穆利根先生之方针不谋而合,因此彼欣然表示兴趣。乃递予众人各一组名片,系当日出自昆内尔先生之印刷厂承印者。
Two hours after her departure , i was still sitting on the bed she had just left , staring at the pillow which bore the imprint of her head , and wondering what should become of me , torn as i was between love and jealousy 她走了已有两个小时了,我还是坐在她适才离开的床上,凝视着床上的枕头,上面还留着她头形的皱褶,一面考虑着在我的爱情和嫉妒之间我将变成什么样子。
So , as neither of them were particularly pressed for time , as it happened , and the temperature refreshing since it cleared up after the recent visitation of jupiter pluvius , they dandered along past by where the empty vehicle was waiting without a fare or a jarvey 他们二人都没有什么急事在身,适才雨神一阵造访,如今业已放晴,天朗气清。他们溜溜达达地从那既无乘客又无车夫空荡荡地等候着的马车旁走过去。