| 1. | The movement of the progressive societies has been uniform in one respect . 社会进步运动在一方面是相同的。 |
| 2. | In fact, the future destiny of the progressive movement was largely in his hands . 事实上是进步运动的未来命运主要掌握在他的手中。 |
| 3. | The time was not far distant when this aspect of the progressive movement would come to fruition . 进步运动的这一方面获得成功的时日已经不远。 |
| 4. | It erected mileposts that the american progressive movement would follow for the next fifty years . 它树立起美国进步运动今后五十年将要遵循的哩程标。 |
| 5. | In the second new deal, from 1935 to 1939, the american progressive movement found fulfillment . 在1935年至1939年的第二次新政中,美国进步运动的目标得以实现。 |
| 6. | These publicists who probed all the dark corners of american life did not make the progressive movement . 这些探查美国生活所有阴暗角落的时事评论家,并不是进步运动的创始者。 |
| 7. | Thus it came about that the forward motion of progressivism came to a halt in the early uncertain months of 1939 . 这样,在一九三九年不稳定的头几个月,进步运动的前进步伐停止了。 |
| 8. | Agitation for effective public control of railroad rates and services antedated the progressive movement by several decades . 争取有效控制铁路运价和服务的鼓动工作,早在进步运动之前几十年就已开始。 |