| 1. | Batches of zhongda buses entering into beijing 中大汽车渐成气候豪华大客批量进京 |
| 2. | And using it to reach our destination - - - captial 指挥着自己的水军进京 |
| 3. | And using it to reach our destination - captial 指挥着自己的水军进京 |
| 4. | One day , meng remembered the days his mother made clothes for him before he went to take the examinations 3一天,孟郊想起当年进京考试,母亲为自己做衣服的情景。 |
| 5. | To save him from trouble , siu shan disclosed the consiiracy to cixi and fled out of the forbidden city . . 此时正是八国联军进京之际,宫中一片混乱,小山和青青才得以逃离皇宫 |
| 6. | But it has also resorted to some heavy - handed techniques : banning out - of - town vehicles from urban beijing and removing beggars from busy areas and around summit venues 但是还是要借助强迫手段:禁止外来车辆进京,不许乞丐出现在商业街和峰会地点。 |
| 7. | The work is full 3 years person , recommend via unit of choose and employ persons , approval of concerned branch examine and verify , conduction registered permanent residence receives beijing procedures 工作满三年者,经用人单位推荐、有关部门审核批准,办理户口进京手续。 |
| 8. | Besides the second long - distance pipeline , expansion of dazhangtuo underground gas storage project and other new underground gas storage projects will be constructed as well 建设天然气进京第二条长输管线工程、大张坨天然气地下储气库扩建工程及其他的天然气地下储气库工程。 |
| 9. | The unique atmosphere of this street envelops suzhou hotel in the classical ambience of flowing water , stone bridges and charming street life . the hotel grounds cover an area of 60 , 000m 到各地风味菜,同时还提供各类酒会,冷餐会,时令小吃,而独家研制,曾经被国家旅游局挑选进京表演的茶肴宴,更令中外客人赞不绝口。 |
| 10. | Provide overseas - funded enterprises with such services as the job service of recruiting and training of people of various specialties and workers including those who come to beijing from other parts of the country -为外商投资企业提供各种专业人才劳动用工的招聘应聘和外地进京务工人员的招用等职业介绍服务,职业培训服务 |