| 1. | He never forgot the disappointment . 他永远也不会忘记这次的失败。 |
| 2. | The party broke up in silence and dismay . 这次的集会就在沉默和忧郁的气氛中散场。 |
| 3. | The evening had afforded edmund little pleasure . 这次的晚会没有给埃德蒙带来多大愉快。 |
| 4. | Out of this contest they were gaining prestige and cash . 从这次的竞选中,他们真是名利双收。 |
| 5. | Never mind this loss . 不要介意这次的损失。 |
| 6. | Her journey was rather an expression of her independence of the old world . 她这次的旅行倒是表示她与旧世界毫无瓜葛。 |
| 7. | A spokesman said the deal may lead to negotiations that would supply large quantities . 一位发言人说,这次的洽谈可能达成增加供应量的协议。 |
| 8. | She only thought how best to make her visit appear to eustacia not abject but wise . 她只想,怎么才是最好的方法,能让游苔莎认为她这次的访问令人可佩,而不令人可鄙。 |
| 9. | It was a very sharp attack, and because he was not used to illness, he was querulous and difficult . 这次的病是非常厉害的,而且由于他平常不大生病,所以容易动怒,很难侍候。 |
| 10. | She has not often a gratification of the kind, and i am sure ma'am you would be glad to give her the pleasure now . 她很少有这样的快乐,我相信,妈妈,你会高兴让她享受这次的乐趣。 |