轻舟已过万重山: from the walls of baidi high in the coloured dawn
Example Sentences:
The wind inopportunely freshened, rendering the drift of the light craft much more rapid . 偏偏风力又增强了,这只轻舟以更大的速度向前漂去。
Neither of our two adventurers used his paddle, except to keep the light bark in the center of the current . 我们的两位冒险家只需让轻舟不偏离河中央,再也不用动桨了。
A small , light , flat - bottomed rowboat used chiefly in louisiana 轻舟一种小而轻的平底舟,主要在路易斯安那州使用
Taking a boat ride along the willow - lined waterways , the visitor will definitely have a good time here 绿水轻舟,杨柳拂堤,园中美景让人们流连忘返。
There was not a sound in her ? ? and around us nothing moved , nothing lived , not a canoe on the water , not a bird in the air , not a cloud in the sky 船上悄然无声,四周一片静谧,死一般沉寂,水面不见轻舟飘动,天空不见小鸟浮云。
O pinnace on the last wild waters , sailing in the last voyage of our civilization ! whither , o weird wheeled ship , your slow course steering 呵,波涛汹涌上的轻舟,在作着我们的文化的末次的航行,到哪儿去,呵,你荒唐的软舟,你蠕蠕地颠缀到那儿去!
The rivers are our brothers . they quench our thirst . they canoes and feed our children . so you must give the rivers the kindness you would give any brother 江河是我们的兄弟。它们使我们不会口渴,以轻舟为生喂养了我们的孩子。因而,你应当给予江河兄弟般的仁慈之心。
Boats on water , cruising in royal garden , green water , green trees , and you feel surprised by a sudden piece of red , just like kermes on fairy ' s face 轻舟荡水,在御花苑的山水之中漫游,入眼都碧水、绿树,忽然一株桃红闪现在这一片绿中,仿佛仙女脸上的那一抹胭脂,顿时为它“惊艳” 。
Samuel le bihan is a french engineer who she finds renewed love with and tim roth plays her deceased husband who shows us that hate can live on after death 小楫轻舟发布剧中山姆.勒比昂扮演的一位法国工程师就是她觉得能得到爱的人,小楫轻舟发布蒂姆.拉夫扮演的则是她那已故丈夫的怨灵。
Our most event - filled day begins as we journey by motor coach to kamakura big buddha . we continue on to hakone national park , a popular mountain hot - spring resort with lake ashi at its center 富士山爆发后形成五大湖区,驱车经过其中的河口湖,湖畔小径轻舟斜阳,构成一幅浪漫画面。