Nephrite toughness is very great ; this characteristic is that other malachite is inexistent 软玉韧性很大,这一特点是其它玉石所没有的。
Nephrite deposits in qinghai province have occurred in contact belt between intermediate - acidic intrusive rocks and dolomite - marble 摘要青海软玉矿床产于中酸性侵入岩与大理岩接触带中。
The white jade son is a first - class material in the white jade , the whiter the color is , the better the color is 白玉在世界各地软玉中极为罕见。白玉子是白玉中的上等材料,色越白越好。
Both minerals are exquisite for the purposes that jade is used for and it is very difficult to distinguish one from the other 真正的玉有软硬两种,平常说的玉多指软玉,硬玉另有一个流行的名字翡翠。
Wang , chunyun , 1994 , the problem of jadeite jade in china . hong kong jewellery magazine , vo . 4 , no . 64 , pp . 104 - 106 王春云, 1995 ,软玉的颜色、结构与成因研究。中国科学院地球化学研究所博士学位论文,贵阳。
Jade is remarkably tough having a strength greater than steel . early civilizations crafted jade into axes , knives and weapons 古书上记载很多,名称也很杂,如水玉、遗玉、佩玉、香玉、软玉、汉白玉等。