He was being accused of persuading a friend to take the wallet back . 他正受到指责,说他转托一位朋友送回这皮夹子。
Article 68 . if in the principal s interests an entrusted agent needs to transfer the agency to another person , he shall first obtain the principal s consent 第六十八条委托代理人为被代理人的利益需要转托他人代理的,应当事先取得被代理人的同意。
If the principal s consent is not obtained in advance , the matter shall be reported to him promptly after the transfer , and if the principal objects , the agent shall bear civil liability for the acts of the transferee ; however , an entrusted agency transferred in emergency circumstances in order to safeguard the principal s interests shall be excepted 事先没有取得被代理人同意的,应当在事后及时告诉被代理人,如果被代理人不同意,由代理人对自己所转托的人的行为负民事责任,但在紧急情况下,为了保护被代理人的利益而转托他人代理的除外。