He's going there tomorrow to show his paces . 他明天要去那里显显身手。
Curley's pretty handy . 柯利很有点身手。
It was a thousand pities that so clever a fellow should be shut out from a career . 这么聪明的一个人不能在事业上一显身手,实在太可惜了。
They were clean-limbed, sound and white of teeth, graceful and fast in their movements . 他们一个个长得干净利落,牙齿洁白,身手矫健,举动敏捷。
She has heard tell of her mother's theatrical glories, which she longs to emulate . 她听人说,她母亲在台上演戏怎么出风头,便心里痒痒的,也想一试身手。
Here was a chance to take on really prickly job, show his stuff, and earn brilliant advancement . 现在有个机会可以担负起一件真正棘手的任务,一显身手,赢得破格的升迁。
After a few dashes in the public meeting way, mr. gradgrind and a council of political sages approved of jem . 在公共会场中显了一两次身手之后,葛擂硬先生和他那一群政友们很称许詹姆。
For years he had made a practice of riding unmanageable horses, and he never heard of a vicious brute without wishing to try it . 多年来,他一直骑未驯服的烈性马,每当他听说有匹马难于驾驭,他总要去一显身手。
And here also flourished in ancient times those bands of gallant outlaws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular in english song . 多少古代的草莽英雄也曾经在这里显过身手,他们的事迹在英格兰歌谣中广泛流传,家喻户晓。
Balzac's is a dense and actual world; cooper's, by contrast, is a mythological place, where in earlier times the knight-errant might have performed . 巴尔扎克描写的是实实在在的世界,而库珀的只是神话中的世界,从前的骑士倒可以在那里一显身手。