1.(脚乱蹬乱踢) kick at random 2.(胡乱用钱) spend (money) extravagantly
Example Sentences:
During the third trimester of pregnancy , many mothers notice that their babies kick and wiggle in response to music or loud noises 在怀孕的晚期,许多母亲注意到她们的宝宝听到音乐或大的噪音时,会以踢蹬或扭动作出反应。
The tsars horse reared at the unexpected sound . this horse , who had carried the tsar at reviews in russia , bore his rider here on the field of austerlitz , patiently enduring the heedless blows of his left foot , and pricked up his ears at the sound of shots as he had done on the review ground with no comprehension of the significance of these sounds , nor of the nearness of the raven horse of emperor francis , nor of all that was said and thought and felt that day by the man who rode upon his back 这匹早在俄国就驮着国王检阅的御马,在奥斯特利茨这个战场上忍受着国王用左脚心不在焉的踢蹬,如同在玛斯广场一样,它听见射击声就竖起耳朵,它既不明了它所听见的射击声的涵义,也不明了弗朗茨皇帝乘坐的乌骓与它相邻的涵义,也不明了骑者是日所说的话语所想的事题所感觉到的一切的涵义。