踔厉: [书面语] (精神奋发) full of vigour [vitality]; energetic
踔厉风发: summon up one's courage for a task; brace one's heart
Example Sentences:
To avoid shock to the knees the elliptical machine was designed 设计椭圆健身机是为了避免膝盖受到踔伤。
In the year of 2007 , he joined the guangdong strong & riring law firm to work as a full time lawyer 2007年加盟广东踔厉律师事务所,取得律师执业证书,从事专职律师工作。
Parents should be encouraged to send their children to nursery schools , which will bring about profound impacts on children and families , and even the society as a whole 应该鼓励父母将他们的孩子送到幼儿园,饨?院樱?彝?踔琳?錾缁岵? ?钤兜挠跋臁
During 1949 to 2000 , chinese teacher in primary and middle school contingents keep booming , and elementary education is on the hopeful way of promoting 1949年至2000年的51年间,我国中小学教师队伍不断发展壮大,基础教育事业踔厉前行,走上了一条振兴的希望之途。