| 1. | He married into the french aristocracy . 他因婚姻关系跻身于法国贵族。 |
| 2. | Tito was making his way rapidly in high quarters . 蒂托很快地跻身于上层社会。 |
| 3. | Miners and waiters count among the most poorly paid of all workers . 矿工和招待就跻身于报酬最少的工人之列了。 |
| 4. | Lapham has recently become conscious of the need to move in good society . 拉帕姆最近意识到跻身于上流社会的必要。 |
| 5. | He was too young to be admitted as an equal amongst men who had made their mark in the world . 他还太年轻,不能作为平等的一员,跻身于已在社会上有了名声的那部分男人中间。 |
| 6. | One of the parties, however, when critically examined, did not seem, strictly speaking, to come under the species . 其实,如果仔细推敲起来,其中有一位,严格地说,似乎不配跻身于绅士之林。 |
| 7. | I was finally one of the big boys, part of that select group of officers who ate lunch every day with henry ford . 我终于跻身于大人物之列,成为每天与享利福特共进午餐的高级职员中的一员。 |
| 8. | His hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species . 他梦寐以求的愿望,是跻身于见义勇为、扶弱挤贫的侠士行列,从而能名垂青史。 |
| 9. | Why , you ! and in such society too , he said to pierre 你也跻身于稠人广众的交际场中了! ” |
| 10. | He ranges with great scientists 他跻身于伟大科学家的行列。 |