Chinese translation for "趴 "
[ pā ] 动词 1.(胸腹朝下卧倒) lie on one's stomach; drop; lie prone; streek 短语和例子 趴在地上打靶 lie on the ground for target practice; 他趴在长沙发椅上, 睡得很熟。 he was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep. 他吓得发抖, 趴在床上, 用被子蒙住了头。 trembling with fear, he threw himself down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt. 2.(身体向前靠在物体上; 伏) bend over; lean on:他正趴在桌子上画图。he was bending over the desk, drawing Related Translations:趴架 : (of a structure, frame, etc.) collapse; fall down
趴趴熊方块 : tare panda no gunpey
Example Sentences: 1. The two of them lay rapt and attentive . 他们两个趴 着愣愣地凝神细听。 2. He had knocked her flat on her face . 他把她揍得直挺挺趴 在地上。 3. He was lying prone on the couch , fast asleep .. 他趴 在长沙发椅上,睡得很熟。 4. He lay in a sprawl over the desk . 他手脚摊开趴 在书桌上。 5. Motionless, prone upon the ground, he waited . 他一动不动地趴 在地上,静静地等待。 6. Within two minutes we were sprawling across the carpet . 不到两分钟,我们都趴 在地毯上。 7. She could lie on the cool rocks and play with the golden carp . 她会趴 在凉爽的石板上,逗弄金鱼。 8. A large cat was lying on the hearth and grinning from ear to ear . 一只大猫正趴 在炉边,它正咧着嘴笑。 9. He lay on his stomach, making an earnest business of sleeping . 他这会儿趴 在床上,看样子好象睡得正熟呢。 10. A small friend stretched out on its broad gray back, asleep . 一个小朋友趴 在它宽阔的灰色的脊梁上睡得正熟。
Similar Words: "啪唧团队" Chinese translation , "啪嗒" Chinese translation , "啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒的脚步声" Chinese translation , "啪嚓" Chinese translation , "啪嚓啪嚓一声镜子掉在地上摔碎了" Chinese translation , "趴, 匍匐, 卑躬屈膝, 五体投地的" Chinese translation , "趴架" Chinese translation , "趴趴熊" Chinese translation , "趴趴熊方块" Chinese translation , "趴趴熊公仔弹簧摆饰" Chinese translation