| 1. | By interfering in this matter you are poached on my preserve 你干预此事就是在我的责任范围内越俎代庖。 |
| 2. | Letting go does not mean to stop caring ; it means i can ' t do it for someone else “放手”并不代表停止关怀;而是意味着我不能越俎代庖。 |
| 3. | America can help by keeping on the pressure , but it ' s their revolution 美国人只应通过不断施加压力来提供帮助而不应企图越俎代庖,毕竟这是他们自己的革命。 |
| 4. | By working with the community instead of for the community , longterm change has a better chance of taking hold 藉由与社区合作,而非为社区越俎代庖,比较有可能对社区产生长远的改变,并在社区生根。 |
| 5. | It concludes that the fund and the bank should talk to each other more and step on each other ' s toes [ 7 ] less 本周出炉的报告给出的诊断结论是:基金组织和世界银行相互之间应该多推心置腹,少越俎代庖。 |
| 6. | Even if small , must observe their jobs ; even if a small thing , if their share in the work and can not allow others to intervene ; if done right , can take over 即使再小的事,都必须严守自己的工作岗位;即使再小的事,如果是自己分内的工作不可让别人插手;即使做的对的,也不能越俎代庖。 |
| 7. | What should the hr managers do ? when we have a right position , we will not do what we should not do and became a lamb lost in its way . hrm can realize its function 认清并解决好这些问题,才能使人力资源管理工作具有明确的目标和方向,才不会越俎代庖,才不会成为迷途的羔羊,人力资源管理才能真正实现其应有的作用。 |
| 8. | Some day it may seem worth while to take up the story of the younger ones again and see what sort of men and women they turned out to be ; therefore it will be wisest not to reveal any of that part of their lives at present 有朝一日再来续写这个故事,看看原来书中的小孩子们长大后做什么,这也许是件值得做的事情。正因为如此,明智的做法就是现在不要越俎代庖。 |
| 9. | Although it is a fact that the rise of the white player in blues has created a new worldwide audience for the music , many feel that he has again - as in jazz and rock & roll - garnered far more than his fair share of the profit and the glory in the process 虽然白人艺术家对蓝调音乐走向世界做出了不可磨灭的贡献,但其仍有越俎代庖、受之有过之嫌- -正如他们对本属于黑人文化的摇滚、爵士乐等的发展邀功请赏一样。 |
| 10. | When teachers " expectation and students " self - directed learning capacities do not match to a certain extent , some problems will arise . teachers " direction and help in proper time will urge students to solve these problems and realize their phased development 当教师对学生的要求与之现有自我导向学习能力适度不匹配时,必定会出现问题,教师的适时引导和帮助(不是越俎代庖)往往成为学生解决问题,实现阶段发展的重要动力。 |