make a conspicuous figure; distingnish oneself; rise above the herd; rise head and shoulders above one's colleagues; stand above the average; surpase all one's fellows; surpass all others
超群: 1.(超过一般) head and shoulders above all others; preeminent; surpassing all others 短语和例子武艺超群 extremely skillful in martial arts; 很少人有如此超群出众的打动人心的才能。 few men have had such transcendental capac
You have a wonderful influence. let it be for good, not for evil . 你有超群出众的力量,你该用它来行善,不要为恶。
Few men have had such transcendental capacity to stir the heart of people . 很少人有如此超群出众的打动人心的才能。
There is a fatality about all physical and intellectual distinction, the sort of fatality seems to dog through the faltering steps of kings . 在形体或智力上超群出众只会招来祸殃,这种厄运似乎也总是跟踪着历代君王。
Be distinguished for 以超群出众
The master will inform you , i answered ; but you are acquainted with the earnshaws violent dispositions , and mrs linton caps them all “主人会告诉你, ”我回答, “可你是熟悉恩萧家的暴躁脾气的,而林敦夫人更是超群出众。
Eighty percent of young people who send me their manuscripts don ' t want advice . they just want to be told they ' re the best , the greatest 送手稿给我的年轻人中, 80的人都不想听取建议;他们只想别人把他们说成是最棒的作者、个个都是超群出众。
He remembered how , when he was a lad of fifteen , his godmother , the squire s wife - the only rich person with whom he had ever come in contact - had pinned her faith to his success ; had prophesied a wondrous career for him 他还记得,当他还是一个十五岁的孩子的时候,他的教母,一个绅士的妻子他一生中接触过的唯一一个富有的人,相信他将来一定能够取得成功她预言他的事业会超群出众。