| 1. | First came the pla men , then the people 's militia . 人民解放军走在前面,其次是民兵。 |
| 2. | I set out after dinner, with the consular porter going ahead lantern in hand . 我吃过晚饭就动身了,那个领事馆的门房走在前面,手里提着灯笼。 |
| 3. | The royal couple left, followed by the rest of the company in order of precedence . 国王和王后伉俪走在前面,其余陪伴的人员按先后顺序跟在后面。 |
| 4. | When they rose up from the ground, and took the shady track which led them through the wood, she bounded on before . 当他们站立起来踏上林荫小路穿出树林子的时候,她一蹦一跳地走在前面。 |
| 5. | The old man limped on before, and warning her of the downward step, which he achieved himself with no small difficulty . 老头儿蹒跚地走在前面;他自己下台阶很不方便,却警告她要当心些。 |
| 6. | Shelton let her keep in front, watching her leap from stone to stone and throw back defiant glances when he pressed behind . 谢尔顿一直让她走在前面,一边注视着她从一块石头跳到另一块石头,又回过头来挑战似地对他看看的神情,一边紧紧地跟在后面。 |
| 7. | Follow me ! ' he said , going in front of the horse . ' 跟我来! '他说,走在前面的马匹 |
| 8. | One man went ahead to see it the road was clear 一个人走在前面,看看道路是否畅通。 |
| 9. | The man walking in front was carrying a flag 走在前面的人打着一面旗子。 |
| 10. | Our guide walked ahead with a little flag in hand 我们的向导手里拿着一面小旗走在前面。 |