I had never before seen him stripped, and he sight of his body quite took my breath away . 我从前从来没有看见他赤膊,现在一看见他的身体使我惊讶不已。
Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets [谚]守财奴宁可打赤膊饿肚皮,也舍不得掏腰包。
Oh , boy . does that mean we ' re skins 噢,孩子,我们赤膊
Full of sweaty , shirtless men . you ' d think you ' d be in heaven 很多汗淋淋的赤膊的男人你会觉得自己好像在天堂
The nudists say this group isn ' t having fun as they kick off the opening up snowmobile season 这些赤膊者说,该团体揭开了雪上摩托季节的开始非常高兴
Peppino , turning around , shouted , " a fowl for his excellency ! " his voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half - naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands 他这句话的回声还在甬道里回荡未绝,一个英俊和蔼赤膊的年轻人便出现了,他头顶着一只银盘走过来,并不用手去抹,银盘里盛着一只鸡。