I do not doubt his heart , only the reach of his arm 他的一片赤心我毫不怀疑可你看他胳膊才多长,他力不能及
They show us the life of the young men who devoted themselves for a great cause and the dramatic yet ruthless shift of the era 这次展览是追溯受赤心报国大义鼓舞而果敢行动的青年们生龙活虎的样子和历史无情绵延的历史展。
Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on " are we at risk in south china ? " 最后的一部份是由地球板块活动专家艾赤心教授主讲的处身华南地区的我们会否受到海啸侵袭?
Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on " are we at risk in south china ? " 最后的一部份是由地球板块活动专家艾赤心教授主讲的处身华南地区的我们会否受到海啸侵袭?
Professor jonathan aitchison , an expert on global tectonics , will conclude the lecture by speaking on " are we at risk in south china ? " 最后的一部份是由地球板块活动专家艾赤心教授主讲的处身华南地区的我们会否受到海啸侵袭? 。
Speakers include professor jonathan aitchison , head of the department ; dr jason ali , assistant professor ; and dr l s chan , associate professor 讲者包括系主任艾赤心教授( professorjonathanaitchison ) ,助理教授drjasonali和副教授陈龙生博士。
Speakers include professor jonathan aitchison , head of the department ; dr jason ali , assistant professor ; and dr l s chan , associate professor 讲者包括系主任艾赤心教授( professorjonathanaitchison ) ,助理教授drjasonali和副教授陈龙生博士。
Speakers include professor jonathan aitchison , head of the department ; dr jason ali , assistant professor ; and dr l s chan , associate professor 讲者包括系主任艾赤心教授( professorjonathanaitchison ) ,助理教授drjasonali和副教授陈龙生博士。