be discriminating in one's rewards and punishments; awards and punishments rigorously carried out; keep strictly the rules for reward and punishment; mete out the proper awards and penalties; to be fair in meting out rewards or punishments; reward the worthy while giving due punishment to those who deserve it
Example Sentences:
Her regimen and training is harsh but wins the girls respect 胡训练严格,但赏罚分明,故深受爱戴。
Sibelle , the no . 1 shooter and fighter comes to help with the training 胡训练严格,但赏罚分明,故深受爱戴。
The realization of standardization of property management depends on building rules and regulations according to law , establishing advanced service conceptions and discriminating rewards and punishments , which ensures to implement standardized property management 物业管理要实现规范化管理,就要做到依法建章立制,确立先进的服务理念和做到赏罚分明,以确保物业规范化管理的落实和执行。
Culture in harmony : under the banner of enterprise sprite and core value of company , all kinds of talented people who identify with our management idea is gathered and core specialist team is formed . they work in self - inspirit , equitable competition environment . our teamwork , information - shared , well training , discipline organization is assurance of achieving our goals 公社化的企业文化:要在实现公司使命核心价值观和企业精神的旗帜下,聚集认同公司经营理念的各类人才,拓展核心团队倡导自我激励公平竞争,营造充分沟通的氛围既按劳分配又救难济贫培养荣辱与共的集体情感,磨练无坚不摧的团队执行力建设赏罚分明训练有素秩序井然积极向上心协力的学习型组织,创造人尽其智其资其力的新型公社化的企业文化。
Even if such a bank is to be run as a truly commercial bank , motivated principally to maximise profit , the system , as we understand it , does not seem to provide the correct incentives for those managing the day - to - day business of the bank to take risks in pursuit of that profit objective 即使有关银行要按着真正商业银行的原则来管理,以争取最高回报为目标,但按我们的理解,相关的制度似乎不能做到以赏罚分明来鼓励负责银行日常管理工作的人员适当地承受风险,从而达到争取盈利的目标。
I am very hopeful that an independent and flexible employment and remuneration policy that gives the right incentives for bank staff to do a good job would not necessarily increase staff costs and erode profits there would be corresponding savings in staff numbers and , importantly , a sharp reduction in non - performing loans 我深信独立和灵活的招聘及薪酬制度在达致赏罚分明的同时,不一定会增加雇员开支及降低银行利润,因为这些改革可促使职员人数减少,更重要的是不良贷款会大为下降。
On the fiercely competitive battlefield of business , managers must learn how to use its quintessence to ensure long - term success in management , paying attention to helping others , good faith , thrifty and modesty ; in personnel , selecting suitable men and exploiting the situation , regarding one ' s men as infants , and being discriminating in rewards and punishments ; in strategy , making calculations in the temple before the battle is fought , subduing the enemy without fighting , and achieving complete gains without wearing out the troops ; and in conceptions , using the normal force to engage and using the extraordinary to win 在商场如战场的激烈竞争环境下,企业管理者必须学会运用《孙子兵法》的思想精髓,在经营管理上讲与人为善、讲诚信、讲节俭与谦逊之道;在用人上讲择人而任势、视卒如婴、赏罚分明之道;在企业战略上讲未战而庙算、不战而屈人之兵、兵不顿而利可全,同时以正合以奇胜的经营管理理念来管理经营企业,才能使企业永远立于不败之地。