In those preliberation days taxes pressed down heavily on the labouring people 在解放前的那些岁月里,赋税沉重地压在劳动人民身上。
The influence of system of the country land is that poverty of peasants that result from the high rental of land because of land " s gathering and the high land tax badly blocks the economical development in sichuan in the period of minguo 土地制度对四川当时社会经济发展的影响是:土地买卖现象更加普遍,土地买卖中的宗法制度被打破,土地日趋集中于地主之手,地租率不断上涨,加之赋税沉重,农民的贫困化加剧,农村生产力停滞不前,严重阻碍了当时四川工农业生产的进一步发展。